Build Protobuf v3.0.0 on Ubuntu Linux
1. 工具
ubuntu 16.04 mysql-server iptables ufw netstat
1 所需工具
操作系统: ubuntu 16.04 FTP服务器: vsftpd FTP常规模式(Normal mode): xinetd
My Walking Addiction
We have heard about people who are addicted to drugs, smoking, tea, etc. and I am sure everyone on the planet must be addicted to something. But in my case, my addiction on walking is fairly weird to most people. In this article, I am going to talk about what made me to taking walk daily, and then to talk about three phases of my walking addiction development: the primordial phase, the process phase, and the advanced phase; at last, I will talk about views I have seen in my walking time.
Whay I Live Alone
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